HIPAA-Hub is our cloud solution to process and manage HIPAA EDI files. Enrollment, claim lines, encounters, claim status requests and payment information can be processed as single files or linked together to provide a comprehensive reporting solution.

Secure Access

Two-Factor authentication (2FA) provides extra security beyond just username/password (screen capture).

User Roles

Roles and permissions may be assigned to restrict access to sensitive PHI or to limit viewing to specific vendors (screen capture).

Secure File Uploading

Upload HIPAA files securely knowing all files will be encrypted (screen capture).

EDI Parsing

Dimension Reports can process any HIPAA EDI transaction of any size and convert into multiple formats (screen capture).

  • Spreadsheet CSV: Convert the hierarchy or tree structure of an EDI file into a flattened spreadsheet format.
  • PHI Deidentify: Scramble all PHI fields and even provide custom type scrambles.
  • Business Rules: Business rules can be applied to the conversion.
  • Custom Formats: Custom formats conversion can be applied to the EDI files.


Dimension Reports provides comprehensive healthcare reporting using existing HIPAA transactions

Claim Reports

Dimension Reports DR-CLAIMS provides comprehensive reporting on Mental Health and Substance Abuse services for Medi-Cal and Medicare, resulting in billing efficiency and speedier provider reimbursements (view page).

Enrollment Reports

Dimension Reports DR-Enrollment provides comprehensive reporting for Managed Care Enrollment, simplifying the complex tasks of capitation payment reconciliation and enrollment status tracking (view page).

Contact us for a free review of your needs